Case Study: How an Instagram Audit LEAD to $0.30 cost per website click for a Jewelry brand

Client: Statement Jewelry Brand
Industry: Jewelry & Accessories – Bold, Statement Pieces
Starting point: small stagnant follower base; 5% engagement rate; low website traffic, high cost per sale
Results achieved: strong following base, less than $2 per follower acquisition, 12% increase in engagement rate, $0.30 cost per website click, optimized cost per sale, now 40% lower

BUSINESS Background

A statement jewelry brand approached Tuple Strategy with the hypothesis that women aged 25 to 45 who love to show off would be their primary market. To test this, they developed a jewelry collection and photoshoot aimed at this demographic. However, sales and engagement lagged behind expectations. Seeking better results, the brand reached out to Tuple Strategy for a comprehensive Instagram Audit to refine their strategy.

Our audit provided actionable insights that helped the brand identify new target audiences and refine their marketing efforts.

Key Challenges Identified in the Audit

Misaligned target audience: The brand was primarily targeting women who are gun enthusiasts, but this audience wasn’t converting at the expected rate.
Narrow brand positioning: The brand's message didn’t fully resonate with other potential audiences, limiting the overall market reach.
Limited advertising insights: The cost per sale was too high, and the advertising campaigns weren't optimized to target the best converting demographic.

Solutions from Tuple Strategy’s Instagram Audit

Identifying New Target Audiences with Tuple Strategy
Issue Identified: While the brand focused on women gun enthusiasts, we discovered two significant untapped male audiences.
Recommendation: Our audit revealed that men aged 30-50, either gun enthusiasts or fashion-forward individuals, were also highly interested in statement jewelry. We suggested repositioning the brand to appeal to both:
  • Adrenaline sports enthusiasts: Positioned around the theme 'Wear Your Passion.'
  • Fashion-forward men: Positioned around the theme 'Make a Statement with Our Jewelry.'
Outcome After Implementation: The brand successfully broadened its appeal and tapped into these male audiences, significantly increasing engagement and sales from male customers.
Optimizing Paid Advertising for Conversions
Issue Identified: The brand was not targeting the right audience effectively, leading to high costs per sale and low website traffic.
Recommendation: We proposed an advertising strategy aimed at expanding reach while lowering the cost per sale. This included testing different audience demographics, locations, and ad creatives to find the most effective combination. Retargeting website visitors and warm leads was also key to improving conversions.
Outcome After Implementation: The brand saw a strong following growth at a cost of under $2 per follower and reduced the cost per click to $0.30. Optimized ads brought in higher-quality leads, translating into increased sales.
Leveraging Influencer Marketing
Issue Identified: The brand had not fully explored influencer marketing or aligned it with its target audience.
Recommendation: We advised partnering with influencers who matched the brand’s core values, including rap music industry. To incentivize these ambassadors, we suggested using a customized discount code system, motivating them to promote the brand through compelling content and their own networks.
Outcome After Implementation: These collaborations led to 5 brand ambassador partnerships and successfully boosted sales and engagement through personalized promotion.
Through Tuple Strategy’s Instagram Audit, the statement jewelry brand was able to realign its marketing efforts and unlock the potential of untapped audiences. By adjusting their target audience, refining brand messaging, optimizing advertising, and leveraging influencer partnerships, the brand achieved substantial growth in both engagement and sales.

Are You Sure Your Brand Isn’t Missing Potential Buyers?

Your Instagram strategy might be engaging one group but missing out on others who could boost your sales. At Tuple Strategy, we specialize in uncovering hidden opportunities and adjusting your Instagram presence to appeal to all potential buyer groups.

With our Instagram Audit, we’ll help you create a more dynamic, inclusive strategy that attracts diverse audiences, drives engagement, and converts followers into loyal customers.

Let’s ensure your brand reaches its full potential — order a personalized Instagram Audit for your brand today!
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